Saturday, September 2, 2017

Hire A Contractor That Will Give You A Proper Budget On Your New Cottage Build

If your looking to build a new cottage on the Bruce Peninsula and your only worry is to find a custom builder that you can afford then you are setting yourself up for trouble.

Construction costs are all pretty much the same until you get to the type of finishing's. That means that if you find a builder that is giving you a lower price then everyone else then there's probably a reason for it and none of them are good for you if you hire them;

  • They budget you a lower price because they don't really understand how much it costs to build a custom home.
  • They don't expect to stick to the budget they are giving you. That's how they plan to make their money.
  • Since they aren't good at budgeting they are already in financial trouble from other custom builds they've completed in the past.
  • There's a good chance that they will never finish your custom home, because they won't be able to afford or it or you won't.
If you hire a builder that is in financial trouble then your running the risk that they don't pay the subcontractors and they lean the house. 

So when you are looking for a builder to construct your new cottage your first question shouldn't be about the price it actually should be one of the last questions you ask.

If you budget is so tight for your cottage that you are worried about being able to finish it then you shouldn't be building a cottage or the cottage that you have in mind. The worst case scenario is that you run out or money building it and it never gets finished.

If a builder is giving you a price that is to good to be true, then IT'S TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. Walk away, either wait till you can afford someone with a proper budget or downgrade the cottage until you can afford it.

When people email or call me I try not to talk about price with them, I talk about everything else first, price should be the last thing we talk about.

If you want to talk about building a custom cottage on the Bruce Peninsula and you want someone that is good  at pricing your home then email me at

Rob Abbott
Great Lakes Custom Homes

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