Sunday, August 6, 2017

Gas Fireplaces In Your Cottage

Since this has been one of the wettest spring/summers in a long time up in the Bruce Peninsula, you might be getting a little tired of feeling damp at your cottage all the time.

But what do you do? It's to hot to turn the furnace on (if your cottage has one) and its to warm out for a wood fireplace to burn properly to dry out the building.

You could place dehumidifiers everywhere to dry the place out but they'll only work when all the doors and windows are kept shut and then your going to have to spend a small fortune on electricity to run the air conditioner.

One of the simplest and easy ways to dry the air out in the cottage and take the chill out of the air regardless of the temperature outside is to have a gas fireplace installed.

Most places in the Bruce Peninsula do not have access to natural gas so you will have to go with a propane gas fireplace.

There are several different companies that supply and install propane to the Bruce Peninsula so you will have your choice of what company you will want to deliver your propane.

Propane is stored onsite in metal containers, the size of the container will depend on the amount of propane that you and the company that you buy it from figure that you will use in a certain time frame.

If you use your cottage all year then they will install a larger storage tank, if you only use it part of the year then you can get away with a smaller storage tank.

Gas fireplaces come in an endless variety of shapes and sizes to fit anyone's tastes and needs. Gas fireplaces are all run on thermostats now, so it doesn't matter if the temperature is 10 degrees or 20 degrees they will heat and dry the room removing the damp air and making the cottage feel more comfortable. Once the desired temperature has been reached they will automatically turn themselves off.

Gas fireplaces will easily heat an entire cottage, duct work can be installed to move warm air around to different parts of the house that wouldn't get a normal flow of heat from the fireplace.

The price of gas fireplaces ranges as much as the size and shape of them, there are smaller inexpensive fireplaces and there are large luxurious fireplaces, it all depends on your budget.

A gas fireplace can be the anchor around a larger renovation to completely transform the look and feel of your cottage. Or it can be just an add on to another wise finished room.

If you want to discuss this type of renovation to your cottage email me at

Rob Abbott
Great Lakes Custom Homes Inc.

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