Monday, October 14, 2019

Construction Drawings For Your New Custom Home or Addition

Are you wanting to build a new cottage or put an addition on your cottage on the Bruce Peninsula but don't know where to start?

Are you asking yourself "do I need to find a contractor or do I need to get my plans created first and then find a contractor?"

In a tight construction market where it is hard to find contractors and tradesmen you should never stop looking for your contractor, as they are hard to find. But if you don't have plans when you find the contractor then they might not be available to you as they will already be to busy and booked to far in advance.

You really should have your construction drawings created, created as soon as possible in fact, getting your drawings created is the least expensive thing you will be doing if you are wanting to build or add to your home/cottage. Construction costs have risen dramatically in the last decade.

Getting your drawings created even years earlier then you need them will not be a waste of money, your drawings will always be relevant.

Busy contractors will take you as a client more seriously if you already have drawings, it says to them that you are committed to a build project and you are not just kicking tires.

Sometimes if your lucky you can find a contractor that can help you not just build your project but also get your drawings created.

Great Lakes Custom Homes Inc. is one of those contractors that can help you do that. We work with a variety of Architects, Draftsmen, Architectural technologists and interior designers to help you get your dreams put down on paper.

Clients that ask us to help get their plans are kept on file so that when they are ready to build there is always a spot made available for when they want to build.

So when you are wanting to build that new home or addition and you also need someone to help you through the creating of your construction drawings then email us at

Rob Abbott
Great Lakes Custom Homes Inc.